Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Guess They're Sticking With The Name

For a year or so, Sammy Hagar has been talking about the supergroup he's in with Michael Anthony, Joe Satriani, and Chad Smith. He always used the codename they had for themselves until they came up with something better. But based on this intro video, I'm going to guess they didn't come up with another name.

Check out the vid. Weird-- but ultimately funny. And stay for the end to hear a little music...

Sorry for the link instead of an embedded video. The embed code doesn't seem to be working (at least Blogger's not accepting it as being valid).

Thursday, February 19, 2009

SMCCC: Dog on $25K Pyramid

Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy

Periodically, I watch a few of the SMCoCC (look at the title 'cause I'm not typing it again) shorts, and think "I should post these."

Well, there are now enough that I can post one every few days for the next couple of weeks.

Some are hits, some are misses, but few are longer than 2 minutes, so they're worth watching...


A Little Late: Condensed SOUP for Feb 5