Saturday, September 04, 2010

Friday, September 03, 2010

Black Swan Trailer

I've already gone on Fandango and bought my tickets...

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Chick on scooter rides down hill

I'll bet you can see where this is going...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Kid Prank Fails...

Didn't the kid sound like "Chunk" from The Goonies?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Maybe Luke should have tried this

There may have been a lot less angst had Luke done what I just overheard how my kids handled the issue of Darth Vader's actions (while playing with their Legos of said characters):

"Dad-- why don't you stop with the killing? It's getting old."


Of course, Lucas may not have made as much coin going that route...

The Walking Dead Trailer

Finally found a decent-quality clip of this new series based on a comic book (and a good one at that).

Don't know how faithful it'll be to the comic, but if it follows the same tone (and it looks like it will), it's gonna be a winner.

I guess we'll find out on Halloween 2010, when AMC airs the 90-minute premiere, directed by Frank Durabont.

Premieres, Finales, Notables: August 30- September 5, 2010

Well, the 2010-2011 TV season ramps up soon. This will probably be the last "light" week for a while...

Monday, 8/30

Huge (ABC Family; 8 pm CST). Mid-season Finale.

WWE Raw (USA; 8 pm CST) has its 900th episode tonight.  I may not be a "rasslin'" fan anymore, but I do remember the classic events that happened on this show about eight-twelve years ago when I was a fan.  Love sports entertainment or hate it; you have to tip your hat to the fact that this show has produced 900 original episodes in a little over 15 years.  That's an achievement.

Dance Your Ass Off (Oxygen; 10 pm CST). Season Finale.
I guess all the ass got danced off...

Tuesday, 8/31

Rescue Me (FX; 9 pm CST).  Season Finale.
The show is moving ever closer to the end. Next season is its last.

Make It or Break It (ABC Family; 8 pm CST).  Mid-season Finale.

Chopped Champions (Food Network; 9 pm CST). Series Premiere.
I don't know... Something about previous winners coming back.
Don't have any idea what it's about...

Wednesday, 9/1

Changing Lanes; BET. 7 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Minority drivers compete to join a racing team.

Plain Jane (The CW; 8 pm CST). Season Finale.

Thursday, 9/2

NBC's Community (7 pm CST) repeats one of the highlights of last season: the school-wide paintball competition.  Obviously, it was so great because we got to see a different side of the characters (so prior knowledge is helpful); but it also sent-up a lot of action movies during the episode, so even if you haven't seen the show before, you should get a kick out of it.

Futurama (Comedy Central; 9 pm CST).  Season Finale.
And it's the 100th episode...

Friday, 9/3

I'm not actually recommending this.  Truthfully, I can't recommend half the crap I type to these "Premieres" posts, but I found this one patently ridiculous: The Short List: 10 Cutest Celebrity Babies
This "special" ranks ten celeb children on their cuteness. 
Are you fuckin' kidding me? 
There is a point where people have to avoid this tripe like the plague--  or they just keep making more of it.
Really.  Do we need this kind of shit filling up the airwaves?

Saturday, 9/4

Thomas & Friends; PBS. 9:30 am (check local listings).  Season Premiere.

Sunday, 9/5

All American Handyman; HGTV. 8 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Twenty "regular Joes/Jos" compete to prove they're the best handy-wo/men.

Leverage (TNT; 8 pm CST). Mid-season Finale.
The last three eps of Season 3 air in December.
Three eps left? Man, I hate how cable airs their shows...

Mel B: It's a Scary World; Style. 8 pm CST. Series Premiere.
The former "Scary Spice" gets a reality show.
Seriously, I can't recommend even half the shit I type in these things...

Faceplant and Nutcrunch

It's two, two, two fails in one.