Sunday, November 12, 2017

Television Premieres and Notables: November 13-19, 2017

Monday, 11/13

Robert Kirkman's Secret History of Comics; AMC. 9 pm CST. Timeslot Premiere.
So the show premieres today (11/12) after The Walking Dead, but I didn't know that until after I did last week's post.

Tuesday, 11/14

American Horror Story: Cult (FX; 9 pm CST). Season Finale.

The Mindy Project (Hulu; Streaming). Series Finale.

Future Man; Hulu. Streaming. Series Premiere.
Josh Hutcherson stars as a gamer who a group of time travelers recruit to help them save the world.

Friday, 11/17

The Punisher; Netflix. Streaming. Series Premiere.
Jon Bernthal moves from Daredevil to his own series.

Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond; Netflix. Streaming, Special.
This doc looks as the lengths Jim Carrey went to when he played Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon.

Saturday, 11/18

Night of Too Many Stars; HBO. 7 pm CST. Special.
Now with 100% less Louis CK...

Sunday, 11/19

Search Party; TBS. 9 pm CST. 2nd Season Premiere.