Saturday, March 10, 2018

Friday, March 09, 2018

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Monday, March 05, 2018

Sunday, March 04, 2018

Television Premieres and Notables: March 5-11, 2018

Monday, 3/5

The Bachelor (ABC; 7 pm CST). Season Finale.

Star Wars: Rebels (Disney XD; 7:30 pm CST). Series Finale.
As with most series's, this one had some ups and downs, but it's really been rocking this season as it winds up.
We've already had a big death, so I think the rest of the cast will remain safe (although "everyone" asks the annoying question: "Why haven't we seen any of them outside this series? They must all have died.")

Tuesday, 3/6

Mister Rogers: It's You I Like; PBS. 7 pm CST (check local listings). Special.
Michael Keaton (I'm in) hosts this special celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

Wednesday, 3/7

Life Sentence; CW. 8 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Lucy Hale stars as a woman who lived for every moment after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer-- who then is abruptly told she has been cured, and now has to deal with the choices she made when she though she had nothing left to lose.

Heathers; Paramount Network. 9 pm CST. Series Premiere.

Thursday, 3/8

Champions; NBC. 8:30 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Cocreator and recurring guest star Mindy Kaling plays a mom who drops her teen son off at his gym-owning father's (played by Anders Holm) place.

Jessica Jones; Netflix. Streaming. 2nd Season Premiere.
Jessica is back!
I liked the first season quite a bit; hopefully this season keeps it up (although it's unclear how often the masterful David Tennant will appear, so they've got a hill to climb if he's not around much).

Friday, 3/9

Sneaky Pete; Amazon. Streaming. 2nd Season Premiere.

Love; Netflix. Streaming. Final Season Premiere.

Sunday, 3/11

American Idol; ABC. 7 pm CST. Series Return.
After nearly two excruciating years off the air, this show returns-- to likely be reminded why it was cancelled in the first place.

Deception; ABC. 9 pm CST. Series Premiere.
A magician helps the FBI catch criminals.

Timeless; NBC. 9 pm CST. 2nd-- and final-- Season Premiere.
The first season was fun, but started to collapse under its own weight.
Hopefully this shorter season will be more focused and allow itself to tell a solid story.
And maybe if it does well, it will get a third season.

The Royals; E!. 9 pm CST. Season Premiere.