Sunday, March 04, 2018

Television Premieres and Notables: March 5-11, 2018

Monday, 3/5

The Bachelor (ABC; 7 pm CST). Season Finale.

Star Wars: Rebels (Disney XD; 7:30 pm CST). Series Finale.
As with most series's, this one had some ups and downs, but it's really been rocking this season as it winds up.
We've already had a big death, so I think the rest of the cast will remain safe (although "everyone" asks the annoying question: "Why haven't we seen any of them outside this series? They must all have died.")

Tuesday, 3/6

Mister Rogers: It's You I Like; PBS. 7 pm CST (check local listings). Special.
Michael Keaton (I'm in) hosts this special celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

Wednesday, 3/7

Life Sentence; CW. 8 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Lucy Hale stars as a woman who lived for every moment after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer-- who then is abruptly told she has been cured, and now has to deal with the choices she made when she though she had nothing left to lose.

Heathers; Paramount Network. 9 pm CST. Series Premiere.

Thursday, 3/8

Champions; NBC. 8:30 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Cocreator and recurring guest star Mindy Kaling plays a mom who drops her teen son off at his gym-owning father's (played by Anders Holm) place.

Jessica Jones; Netflix. Streaming. 2nd Season Premiere.
Jessica is back!
I liked the first season quite a bit; hopefully this season keeps it up (although it's unclear how often the masterful David Tennant will appear, so they've got a hill to climb if he's not around much).

Friday, 3/9

Sneaky Pete; Amazon. Streaming. 2nd Season Premiere.

Love; Netflix. Streaming. Final Season Premiere.

Sunday, 3/11

American Idol; ABC. 7 pm CST. Series Return.
After nearly two excruciating years off the air, this show returns-- to likely be reminded why it was cancelled in the first place.

Deception; ABC. 9 pm CST. Series Premiere.
A magician helps the FBI catch criminals.

Timeless; NBC. 9 pm CST. 2nd-- and final-- Season Premiere.
The first season was fun, but started to collapse under its own weight.
Hopefully this shorter season will be more focused and allow itself to tell a solid story.
And maybe if it does well, it will get a third season.

The Royals; E!. 9 pm CST. Season Premiere.

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