So I was going through my upcoming "scheduled to record" listing on my DVR, and the next two weeks look to have some great moments. I often keep some shows scheduled-- even though I've seen them before-- just to check them out again. Or, to remind myself to remind someone else to watch them.
Here we go:
Venture Brothers Sunday night 8/28; 9:30-10 pm CST (repeats 1:30- 2 am) on Cartoon Network's [adult swim]. Episode "Assassinanny 911".
I can't remember too many particulars about this episode-- other than I laughed like a mo-fo. Brock gets called away on a secret mission, so he asks deadly mercenary Molotov Cocktease to watch the boys. Hank, of course, falls in love.
Moral Orel Sunday night/ Monday morning 8/28; 12:15-12:30 am CST (repeats 4:15-4:30 am) on Cartoon Network's [adult swim]. The episode is "Waste".
This insane 10-minute episode follows Orel's decision to drink his own urine because at Scout Camp, he was told that, in a pinch, urine could help hydrate the body; and, in church, he was told that God thinks to waste is a sin. He decides to mix both pieces of advice-- and hilarity ensues. Best line came when Orel was asked if what he was drinking had Vitamin C in it, and he answers, "I don't know. But there is Vitamin P."
***Please note: Moral Orel does hit on some of the more fervent messages of the Christian Fundamentalists. I would not recommend this show to anyone who does not have a sense of humor about their religion. Seriously, you will be offended. I also wouldn't recommend this show to anyone that absolutely cannot find the humor in a ten year old that doesn't realize that drinking his own urine regularly probably isn't a good thing.
Everyone else: go nuts and check it out...
Green Wing Sunday night/Monday morning 9/4; 2-5 am CST on BBC America. The first three episodes of the first season.
Green Wing is one of the funniest shows I watched last year, hands down. Scrubs has nothing on this racy show. The show opens with new surgical registrar Caroline Todd locked out of her house and has to go to her first day of work with bed head (or "car head" since she slept in her car). After meeting her colleagues, she probably wishes she stayed in her car.
We've got anesthesiologist Guy Secretan, who hits on her immediately. Surgeon (with the "girl hair") Mac McCartney tries not to notice her, but he does try to thwart Guy's attempts at getting close to her. Horny HR Director Joanna Clore both accepts and rejects radiologist Alan Statham's advances. Staff Liason Officer Sue White goes to enormous lengths to keep the residents at a distance. Intern Martin Dear is a subject of constant belittlement. And Junior Intern Boyce does whatever he can to humiliate Statham.
This show is way insane-- and way hilarious. It's not a "typical" U.K. show; its comedy works very well for an American sensibility. It's very surreal until you get acclimated to the "world" the show inhabits. And it is much racier than any American Network would allow.
The only thing I'm afraid of is BBC America won't follow through with the remaining six episodes right away. It did the same thing this summer when it reaired the first three episodes of the brilliant Bodies and haven't reaired the remaining three episodes. I'm sure the remaining eps will air eventually, but it's been a long time...
Well, I hope I pointed you in the right direction for some of the standout episodes of some great shows I had the privilege of watching the past year.
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