Just random thoughts today. My head still hurts from yesterday.
So, do you think the SciFi Channel could have timed the non-renewal of Stargate SG1 any better? Friday, the show aired it's 200th episode with much hoopla and fanfare, and on Monday, it's announced the current tenth year will be it's last. As I mentioned in a previous post, I was never able to get into the show, but the fact is it ran ten years (longer than any science fiction show in history-- and longer than most any other show of any genre), so it needs to be applauded for that. The folks at SciFi could have let them celebrate the historic achievement for at least a week before making its announcement. Jerks...
Every year a show lasts adds to the expense of producing it, but Igotta say I feel bad for Ben Browder and Claudia Black, who've had a second show pulled out from under them (the cancellation of Farscape still stings-- how do you take one of the best shows ever, one of the highest rated shows SciFi had at the time, and cancel it?).
Oh well, at least SciFi is cleaning up in the ratings with ECW...
I tried figuring out what the dots meant on Schofield's note to Sara on Prison Break, but I couldn't. Morse code seems too obvious, and there are only four distinct series of dots, which means only 4 letters are used in the whole message. I'm sure I'll play with it when I'm bored sometime.
This must be what a Lost fan feels like. (No, I haven't watched Lost yet-- I've got the DVD of Season One and all of Season Two taped, I just haven't gotten to it).
Is it wrong to be so happy that Brooke Burke still wears skimpy clothes on Rock Star: Supernova even though I know she's got a bun in the oven?
USA Network renewed The 4400 for a fourth season of 13 episodes. That's another series I've been taping from the beginning but haven't watched yet.
Huge rumor that this fall's Survivor will split the contestants up via ethnicity: whites, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans. Stunt to get press (I'm guessing mostly negative)-- or an honest attempt to see the differences-- and commonalities-- between races?
And, finally, I watched the first episode of this season's 30 Days, and it continues to be an essential television series to watch. It's a shame that FX doesn't repeat this show throughout the year after the finale airs because I firmly believe that if each American watched it, this would be a much better country to live in.
A friend of mine complained about the show last year because it skewed "too left", but the fact of the matter is, these kind of issues are what The Right tries to ignore. If trying to gain an understanding of what a gay person, or a Muslim, or an illegal immigrant goes through in this country is a Left or Right issue, then my current belief to permanently dismantle the Two Party system is only reinforced.
What Morgan Spurlock tries to accomplish in this series about bringing together opposing viewpoints for 30 days can go a long way toward helping everyone have an understanding of their neighbors. These issues are what the people who lead this country should be trying to address as opposed to the stupid sh*t they usually discuss on Capitol Hill.
I'm sorry I was slow on recommending this show. The six episode first season is on DVD, and I would hope that your local library carries it for loaning out. It's well worth it (even if you buy the set). And there's still one or two new episodes left to air on FX. It airs Wednesdays at 9pm CST and usually repeats around four times during the next week.
Thanks for mentioning me. I still stand behind what I said, but I still watch the show.
While I've watched just one ep so far, it sounds as if the "liberals" are moving into the "conservative" world more this year. I'm not sure if it's as effective as the other way around, but at least its more balanced.
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