Saturday, August 05, 2006

What a disappointing weekend Pt 2: Movies on DVD/ Cable

Good Lord that was a long last post. It wasn't even that much-- looks like I'll have to get used to blog formatting.

Well, I'm off the hook and can give nice, short "reviews" this time around.

Dave Chappelle's Block Party. Maybe it's because I didn't care about the block party part, but I thought this movie was pretty pointless. Sure Chappelle had his moments, but I've seen his stand-up and his work on TV. Nothing new here. I didn't even watch the last half-hour; I just let it play while I was web surfing.

The Aristocrats was one I was looking forward to. I really like the creative process, seeing how artists of all types think. But I didn't get much out of this.

The idea behind the movie was to give non-comics an idea what comics do in their spare time, when they're with other comics. One thing they do is tell a joke called "The Aristocrats". It starts with someone (either a member of the act or a manager) entering an agent's office and describing the act, and then when the vile act has been described, the agent asked what the act is called, and the punchline is: "The Aristocrats!"

The beginning and the end are the same (mostly), no matter who tells it, so comics look to outdo each by going into the most grotesque details of the act. Bodily fluids, depraved sexual acts, anything goes. The more outrageous the better.

Now, I'm no prude. I can actually stomach a lot more than the average person, but it wasn't the vileness of the details that rubbed me the wrong way, it was the fact that film was wasted on a joke that each comic said was bad from the outset. The punchline isn't even funny; most of the times the telling of the joke isn't funny. So why should I hear the joke dozens of times? I don't know... But I watched to see what the point was. There just wasn't one.

Movie upside: I also watched Layer Cake. Not groundbreaking, but certainly one of the better things I watched all weekend. I can't see Daniel Craig as James Bond, but I'm no playa hater. I, actually, haven't seen a Bond movie in the theatres before, so what do I know anyway?

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