Saturday, September 30, 2006

Prison Break Spoilers

This week’s new Prison Break episode (2.7: “Buried”) will be the last for a few weeks to accommodate baseball.

The role of Sucre’s girlfriend Maricruz has been cast for a third time because actress Camille Guaty got a part on ABC’s The Nine.  Guaty replaced Nadine Velazquez, who left to star in My Name is Earl. So Maricruz #3 is Six Feet Under’s Melissa Marsala.

Man, with the Maricruz actresses, Patricia Wettig, and John Billingsley all leaving to work on other shows, you’d wonder why Prison Break doesn’t have contracts for its smaller roles—even if it’s “we’ll need you to work on five episodes this season”.  Ah, I don’t know how that works in the TV world—maybe it’s impossible. But it is annoying.

Fairly minor spoilers make up the rest of this post. Just warning you: turn back now if you want to know nothing.

The American Express Preview for this week’s ep:

Doctor Sarah finds out her father, Governor Tancredi, has his nomination to the Vice Presidency withdrawn.  I’m expecting bad things to happen to him since he “caught” Kellerman in Washington.

Haywire appears again. He robs a convenience store.

Spoilers I gleaned from the internet about upcoming episodes. Since these are not “official” (like the Am Ex previews) and probably not sanctioned by the Prison Break team, they could change—and they could also be something more than they want us to know.  Can’t say these spoilers are major, but they do show a pattern for the rest of the episodes this year:

I already posted that T-Bag isn’t one of the remaining seven who die this fall (it happens within the next two episodes), and it can be assumed that Sucre doesn’t as well as the Maricruz role needed to be recast (or, if you read the spoiler for episode 10, like I did, you’d know that Sucre is still alive and is trying to meet with Maricruz). So that leaves Schofield, Lincoln, C-Note, Tweener, and Haywire as the likely deaths (unless we’re completely being misled and it’s someone else—although I’ve been reading that it’s an escapee).

The policewoman who came to Janette’s house in Ep 6 is her daughter. My guess is she gets taken hostage because she was not preparing for trouble as we (of course) were expecting when she showed up last week.

L.J. is supposed to get a “menacing” visitor this week. It must have scared him as Lincoln is redoubling his efforts to break L.J. out, according to the notes on my DVR schedule.

When the show returns after baseball, a new Internal Affairs agent is put on the convict’s trail.  “Agent” Richard Sullens will become a thorn in Mahone’s side when he asks questions like how a convict escaped after being handcuffed in his car (Tweener, anyone?).

And in the ninth episode, Schofield visits Mahone’s ex-wife (I guess that means Schofield doesn’t die, either) to get some dirt on him.  Apparently even she doesn’t know what happened to her marriage—just that Mahone’s personality changed drastically during their marriage.  The episode has a Mahone press conference about a dead convict interspersed through it.  The conference could have been about a former convict he was hunting or Abruzzi, but my money’s on one of the remaining seven as I’ve read from more than once source that another escapee bites it soon.

And another odd thing I read (coming from a faxed page of script that was dated a long time ago, so who knows if this will happen—or when; but Lincoln is supposed to try to get to L.J. in the next episode):

Lincoln and L.J. escape from a smashed squad car and they start to run, but a van full of guards dressed in black catch them. Lincoln fights, but is stopped when one of the guards (Jane Farrow) says she is on their side and will take them to Lincoln’s father.

I’m not a fan of the whole conspiracy thing, but at least I know there’s something more going on after/while the others are digging for Westmoreland’s money (which is found).

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