What I had intended on posting about when I lost what I had written Thursday was about the changes in schedules of some new shows.
Kidnapped hasn't been cancelled, per se, but the producers were told to close up the story by Episode 13. Luckily, the producers had made contingency plans to do just that if needed (unlike last year's Reunion, which was nowhere close to resolving their story to make up for a shortened episode order). there's no promise that NBC will actually air all 13 episodes, though (it cancelled a rerun on Friday for last week's ep).
One of CBS's big hope series has been put on hiatus. Smith will be on the bench for the time being, starting immediately. Nothing's been set in stone yet, but I doubt we'll see it again (unless CBS decides to burn off the episodes already in the can).
Knights of Prosperity will have it's premiere delayed to give it a bigger marketing push. I don't know if that's good or bad. I'm looking forward to the show, but shows that keep getting pushed back usually have some problem.
The bloodbath begins...
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