Monday, December 11, 2006

Dec 11-17 Premieres/Notables

Tuesday, 12/12

How the Grinch Stole Christmas; ABC. 7-8 pm CST
Gotta love this classic.

Rickey Gervais shows up on Letterman. I just saw a commercial for HBO's season 2 premiere of Gervais' Extras that said it begins January 14. Awesome.

Wednesday, 12/13

George Clooney: An American Cinematheque Tribute; AMC. 7-8 pm.
I can't pronounce the title of this tribute, but I have to give a shout out to Clooney, who is one of the best.

Thursday, 12/14

Now The Office gets an hour-long show-- directed by Harold Ramis-- and My Name is Earl gets a rest this week. NBC, 7-8 pm CST.

And Turner Classic Movies is airing Gary Cooper movies all night. If you haven't seen Pride of the Yankees, now's the time to check it out (1:45-4:00 am CST). And, yes, it's okay to cry. If you don't after seeing this movie, then you must be dead.

Sunday, 12/17

Big night for season finales as Survivor, Sleeper Cell: American Terror, Dexter, Breaking Bonaduce, and Celebrity Paranormal Project all end tonight.

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