Sunday, December 24, 2006

More Marathons

I spoke about the Venture Brothers marathon Christmas night, but my DVR scheduler popped up some more marathons of great [adult swim] (Cartoon Network) shows coming up.

On Tuesday, Dec 26, the network is airing 6-1/2 hours of Boondocks, beginning at 9:30 pm CST and running to 4:00 am. This could easily be a network show-- if networks had any balls at all. It's a show about the black experience that can work for any race, and a number of episodes really made me think about the life and cultures around me.

I wish I had time to explain and praise it properly, but it's Christmas Eve, and I just don't.

If you can't commit to the full 6-1/2 hours of the marathon, I highly recommend you check out the episode "The Return of the King", airing from 11:00 pm to 11:30 pm. It poses the question "What if when Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot, he fell into a coma and awoke just before September 11, 2001?" It's a very biting commentary on the political landscape at that time-- and the crazy zealotry of our own country.

It's one of the best episodes of television I've watched the last two years.

And on New Year's Eve, the Cartoon Network airs a four hour and fifteen minute marathon of the heavy metal turned up to 111 show Metalocalypse from 9:00 pm to 1:15 am. This is a crazy show. I recommend using the closed captioning on your TV to catch everything.

There's no real redeeming value to the show. It's bloody, vulgar (the worst words are "bleeped" with guitar), and on the other side of reality, but I find it funny. I'm not hardcore metal, but I understand it.

There's a classic scene where bassist Murderface drops his pants and plays his bass with his schwing-schwang (I hope it airs during the marathon...).

Check it out.

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