Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Perfect Addition to Any OFFICE

Ed Helms, whose character, Andy, was last seen punching a hole in a wall after a prank on The Office, has been made a series regular.

He hasn't been in the last few episodes because he was in Anger Management class, but when he returns he'll be around for longer than the 13 episodes he was originally hired for.

I wasn't sure about the long-term success for Andy, but he does let us sympathize with Michael and Dwight when needed (like when Dwight quit).

After last week's episode, I hope Helms (and Andy) return soon. Michael was waaaaaay over-the-top, and there has to be some way to make him sympathetic (and just plain pathetic) again. I had hoped the crazy-obnoxious Michael Scott was dead and gone, but it doesn't look like it.

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