Sunday, March 18, 2007

Trend-setter hits 10 years

One of TV Guide critic Matt Roush's reader's offered up this question: has any show impacted the TV landscape to the extent Buffy The Vampie Slayer (which premiered ten years ago last week) has in the past ten years?

I found that to be an interesting question. While Buffy didn't hit the ratings jackpot, it certainly created/reconstructed how some stories could be told. Arguably, without Buffy there would be no Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Heroes, and Alias. The reader also went as far as saying Buffy's style also impacts multi-genre shows like Grey's Anatomy, Veronica Mars, and The O.C.

I'd have to agree with the argument (as Matt did; saying only The Sopranos has had as much an influence on the last decade of TV as Buffy).

Any thoughts?

BTW: the link to the article is below. The question posed above is at the end.

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