Saturday, May 19, 2007

DVR Scheduler Additions

Looking at the upcoming recordings my DVR has for the next two weeks, I thought I should point out those shows that I don't have in my Premieres posts (that, I'll admit, I steal from TV Guide).

The Discovery Channel is airing eight eps of Planet Earth from 8 am to 4 pm Sunday, 5/20. I've said enough about the show, now it's your turn to do your part.

On Saturday, 5/20, from 2 am to 4 am, BBC America is airing the "Monday", "Tuesday", and "Wednesday" episodes of Worst Week of My Life. Sorry to say I don't know if it's the first or second season (first season was the week before the wedding, second was the week before the new baby), but it doesn't matter. It's a really funny (if silly) show about a man who tries to do the good and right thing but it seems as everything is conspiring against him as he progressively screws things up. The acting is great, and it also stars one of my favorite British actresses: the talented-- and beautiful-- Sarah Alexander. Check it out; I'll try to keep my eyes open for the rest of the week (Thurs-Sun) in case that airs in the future.

One of the best things about the summer is the lack of new shows on the major networks. Time to start expanding your viewing to the other 200+ channels you get. I'd start with BBC America and at least try out the [adult swim] stuff (I'll admit-- the new stuff is too "out there", but there are some good things) and then move on to other things that may interest you. You should also spring for the extra $10 or whatever and get HBO. They've got buttloads of new stuff coming up this year. And their percentage of quality programming is crazy-high.

There are a lot of "hidden gems" out there that are just waiting for you to find them (although, if you read-- and take advice from-- this blog, you're a leg up on others).

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