Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Media Week: Sunday and Monday

In the past week, I've had exchanges with two of my friends about the sheer amount of media I devour in a typical day. One friend of mine just came out and said "Do you ever just do nothing?" And I, honestly, don't. It's pretty sad.

My other friend got to hear about my dilemma when I have the house to myself for a few hours. Do I watch something in the living room on the DVR (which needs to be cleaned out from time to time) on the big TV? Do I go downstairs to my Fortress of Solitude and watch a tape or DVD while I straighten out my collections? Do I try to catch up on the few websites I stay up on? If I'm on the computer, can I watch something on the TV in the other room? Should I bring the small TV/VCR to the computer room, so I can surf/blog while something's on I can watch?

So yeah, I don't ever really shut down.

So this (and subsequent posts for the week) will kinda lay out what I watch/read in a week. I know I talk TV most of the time, but I am more rounded than that.

For the record: I'm not going to list the websites (tvguide.com, newsarama.com, and the library website) or the magazines I read. And I skim the daily paper, but I usually knock it out in a half-hour, so it's not like I read more than dozen articles a day.

Anyway, here goes. It's, actually, pretty light so far.
If I know the episode title, I'll include it. The dates are when the ep aired:

Sunday, May 6

Ugly Betty, "Secretaries Day", 5/3
Bronx Bunny, 4/25
Desperate Houswives, 5/6
Brothers and Sisters, 4/29
A chapter of Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Exile.

Monday, May 7

The trade paperback Batman: As The Crow Flies
The first story in the trade paperback Superman: Up, Up and Away
Listened to about an hour's worth of the audiobook of Star Wars: Cloak of Deception.
Watched the DVD of Casino Royale

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