Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Disaster Averted

I was on vacation for a week and came back to find out the DVR had some problems and needed to be replaced. So I lost everything: John in Cincinnati and Flight of the Conchords episodes and the premiere of Big Brother and Part 1 of the "Nature" episode of Moral Orel. I won't even go into the loss of the one Star Trek: Enterprise episode I don't have on tape and waited five months to rerecord (I was hoping to rig up something to get the DVR to record to the VCR).

Not the worst thing to happen in the world, but disappointing.

But there is a little bright spot as I could catch the missed Big Brother and Moral Orel episodes on the Internet. And while I was there, I found some cool Moral Orel video links on the [adult swim] website:

First is when Orel saves his urine because God hates waste, and has to tell Doughy "I'm not drinking lemonade."

Next is Clay teaching Orel what it means to be grown up.

And what happens when Orel realizes God in him.

Orel spreads the Gospel lesson of turning the other cheek

And one of my favorite lines of all time is what Orel says after Principal Fakey asks him if he knows what happens to little boys who masturbate.

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