Sunday, August 12, 2007

Naming Is Half the Battle

I know I've been slacking big time, and seeing as how I'm actually getting some replies from people I don't know, there are even more than my usual four readers that actually read this thing (or use some sort of automated program to reply to things I post...)

So it's August, and that's Fantasy Football time for me. Being a Commissioner for one league takes up a huge chunk of time (so far) because it's only going into its second year. I spent two nights last week staying up late to pimp my site. Check it out (I hope this link works): 40 oz League.

This was be the first time I really felt the power of an Internet Community because I went on a fan board where the topic was pimping out sites, and these nice people posted the code for things and made them available to "steal"; which I did as you can tell (everything in the middle is add-ons beyond what the espn site offers).

Anyway, I decided this year to change the name of my teams. The past two years (in two leagues), my teams went by the name of Wu-Pass. It was tongue-in-cheek, and opened up a lot of opportunities to play with the name as I talked smack. "I'm opening a can of Wu-Pass" was a particular favorite. The first year I played, I really went hog-wild with the whole "backstory" concept, and it was a blast. Last year, I was too busy with two leagues (I was the high scorer in one league and won it all in the other) to play with the name too much.

But I decided this year to try something different. I paid attention to good names I read in books or ran across on the Internet-- or just plain popped in my head from reading other things.

Here's a list of favorites:

$2 Tug Jobs

Intelligent Design Can Lick My Balls (I almost stole it for my work league where I was going to substitute in the company I work for-- just because I thought it was funny).

Gay Homophobes
Uncle Bad Touch
Pigus Drunkus Maximus
Poop Flinging Monkeys
Alcoholics Unanimously
Trojan Rubber Company
Bad Monkey
Insanity Defense
Hanson Brothers Revenge (from Slap Shot)
Ass Chili
Al Sharpton's Smooth Love Machine
12" Ditka
Clinton's Hummer
Kurtis Interruptus
Springfield Isotopes
Loverboy Ruled
Sore Johnsons

I knew I needed to use Uncle Bad Touch because that's just a gem (so, so wrong, yet funny), so I elected to use it for the work league (since it's all guys, there's less chance it'll offend).

But what about my league: the 40 oz League? I thought and thought. Trojan Rubber Company was a front runner (and has the distinction of being a potential band name for what ultimately became Van Halen) as was the Poop Flinging Monkeys.

But I immediately decided to go with the Frisky Dingoes when it popped into my head one day. It's funny sounding-- and comes from one of my favorite shows. It's a keeper.

Having a good name is important because it showcases creativity. And if your team manages to win it all, you'll want a cool name to "go down in history" with.

I think I have two good choices that fit the bill.

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