Monday, August 27, 2007

Premieres and Notables Aug 27- Sept 2, 2007

Sorry this is late, but nothing new is going on except for what's on my "banned" list (MTV, VH1, CMT, Court TV-- the banned list gets bigger and bigger as the shows get crappier and crappier).

Tuesday, 8/28

The Education of Ms. Groves; Sundance. 7 pm. Mini-Series Premiere.
Documentary about a language-arts teacher who begins her career in a tough Atlanta middle school in a four-part series.

Wednesday, 8/29

Pantry Raid; Style. 8 pm. Series Premiere.
Love the name; but the concept's been done before: a chef raids an average family's pantry to make a gourmet meal.

Sunday, 9/2

The Entourage season finale (HBO, 9 pm) is gonna bum me out. It'll be too long until it returns, I'm sure. I will be happy I won't have to hear the word "Medellin" anymore, though.

And that's it. I don't have a list yet, but you just know there will be lots of TV show marathons over the Labor Day weekend.

And tomorrow the Friday Night Lights Season One DVD set goes on sale. I saw Best Buy and Target has it for an unheard of $20. Pick it up. Major props to NBC for allowing retailers to sell it so cheaply (it's entirely possible there aren't many extras-- but so what? $20 is less than a dollar an episode). This show needs some big-time love. I didn't get to watch it yet, but it was pretty unanimous by critics I read and friends who did watch that it's excellent.

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