Sunday, September 30, 2007

Premieres and Notables October 1-2, 2007

Lots of new stuff-- and most of the summer shows that haven't ended yet are ending this week.
Sorry, but time's at a premium, so I have to break the week up again. Here's Monday and Tuesday:

Monday, 10/1

Everybody Hates Chris; CW. 7 pm CST. 3rd season premiere.
The most underrated comedy out there. It may not be the best or the funniest, but it is extremely consistent and doesn't use teasing humor at all. It's a well-done throwback to the innocent comedies of the 1980's. Check it out if you haven't yet.

Aliens in America; CW. 7:30. Series Premiere.
This is, unanimously, the critics' favorite new comedy of the season. I have heard nothing bad at all about it. Normally, that would mean a short life for the show. But it is on The CW, which needs all the critical acclaim it can get, so this show should last a while. Anyway, it's about a young man who doesn't fit into the norms of his high school (he's a "dweeb", "geek", whatever), and finds a common bond with a Pakistani exchange student who lives with his family, who's even more "out of touch" with the other kids. Highly recommended.

Girlfriends; CW. 8 pm. (4th, 5th, ?) Season premiere.

The Game; CW. 8:30. 2nd (3rd?) season premiere.

Celebrity Expose; MNT (My Network Television). 7 pm. Series Premiere.
Because there just aren't any shows about stars and their foibles... The premiere focuses on Lindsey Lohan, so it must be a 2 or 3-parter...

Control Room Presents; MNT. 8 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Live (on tape) shows by popular musicians. The premiere has Maroon 5 in Montreal.

Dr. Steve-O; USA. 10:05. Series Premiere.
Jackass star Steve-O challenges guys to participate in crazy stunts. I had heard that the real goal was to get timid men to become more manly. While I've never watched Steve-O's work, I did see him use a staple gun to pin his scrotum to his thigh on some late-nite talk show, so I guess there's no better person out there to give guys a shot of manliness.

Tuesday, 10/2

Cavemen; ABC. 7 pm. Series Premiere.
This is the show every single critic I've read has said is the worst of the new season. I haven't heard a single good thing about it. It uses the Caveman character (times three) from the Geico commercials to show how there is intolerance in the human race. Great concept as I believe we have a lot of "growing up" to do as a species, but, if everything I've read is any clue, the execution of the concept is horrendous.

Carpoolers; ABC. 7:30 pm. Series Premiere.
Four guys discuss their lives and problems during their daily commute. Would be considered the worst new show of the year if Cavemen hadn't beaten it.

Queer Eye; Bravo. 8 & 9 pm. 5th season premiere.
Catch the last bit of tips from the Fab 5 while you can as this is the final season.

Jon & Kate Plus 8; Discovery. 9 & 9:30. 2nd season premiere.

Five Days; HBO. 7 pm. 5-part miniseries.
This mini hits on the five most important days in a search for a missing woman. This is a co-production with BBC, so you know it will be gutwrenching-- and fantastic. Recommended.

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