I don't get excited for movies-- even the big ones coming this year. But you just have to like what Iron Man is shaping up to be.
IM was the first super-hero I got into. I read Iron Man #215 and was immediately hooked on the character. I picked up everything and anything he was in from the '80s.
Then he got weird. Marvel was looking for big changes, and they killed him off and brought back a younger version, who was retconned (basically forgotten about) away. Then a new version was introduced that was also retconned away. Then the original character was brought back, but I had already lost interest. Now, lately, he's pretty much a dick in the comics, and I'm sure that, too, will eventually change-- especially if the movie takes off.
I'm looking forward to Indy 4 (yeah, I know that's not the title), but it seems like that movie should have bene out ten years ago. And then there's The Dark Knight... And while I have faith in the creators and actors of the movie, I'm a little hesitant because it looks very dark.
And then there's Iron Man. I'm trying not to get excited. I've found that keeping my expectations low helps me enjoy the movie more (it worked for Star Wars Episode I).
But when I see trailers like this one (beware possible plot spoilers), it's really hard not to get excited.
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