Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Actual Q1 DVD List; C's-F

License to Wed—John Krasinski doing what he does best (being a lovable goof), Robin Williams doing what he does best (side gags around the script), and Mandy Moore (sadly) not really a part of it. I’m kinda stuck here. The movie wasn’t much, but it did have good performances at times. At times I was bored and at others I was interested. I didn’t find it great, but I also didn’t find it as bad as many reviews I read said it was. C+

Chalk— A humorous documentary-style look at teaching (think The Office, just not as funny). It had good moments, but I just didn’t care about the characters. C+

Hot Rod—Another one that I had low expectations for. It was dumb and not particularly funny, but worked for a Saturday night. C+

Reno 911: Miami— I usually tire of Reno 911 part-way through the season. This movie was pretty much the same. But instead of great gags in a bare plot as on TV, we got a decent (if unbelievable) plot and not many great gags. C

Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams— I had heard such good things about this import from Serbia, but it was just so depressing, and it waited too long to get to the “reveal” that I wasn’t grabbed by it as I wanted to be. C

The Nanny Diaries—Good performances by Scarlett Johannson, Laura Linney, and a great one by Paul Giamatti, but I just didn’t care about them. C-

The Dead Girl—depressing. I can’t say it wasn’t a good movie but I was completely uninterested in these depressing as Hell characters. And that’s too bad because the movie took a unique approach at the aftermath of the murder of a young woman by showing a number of different angles/stories of women who were affected by it. C-

No Reservations—I wish there’d be a movie that explains the brains of “food people”. I read Kitchen Confidential but even that was a bit too “inside” for me (although I know not to get surf meals from Friday to Monday and that chefs used to get hopped up on some sort of drugs to keep going). This movie did nothing for me. Even though it starred Aaron Eckhart, I still wasn’t drawn in. It was everything a “chick flick” should be because it followed the formula to the letter. D+

Thunderpants—A story about a boy with terrible flatulence, and how he parlayed that “curse” into a gift by saving the world. I didn’t have any great expectations about it, and it certainly didn’t deliver. D-

Waiting—TV. I like Ryan Reynolds and I like Justin Long, but I did not like this movie. It tried being a 21st Century Clerks but it wasn’t funny; it just was vulgar. F.

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