Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Odd and Ends

Random thoughts since I just can't find the time to make a proper post:

Success breeds complacency: I won both Fantasy Football leagues I was in last year, and I realized last night at one of my league's drafts for this year that I'm getting lazy. I did no prep, got drunk, and then messed with my picks by taking 4 kickers (you're pretty much a jackass if you take your first kicker in anything but the last round, so four kickers is a bit of overkill).

I cared so little after round ten that I didn't even write my last eight picks in my roster sheet. It'll be like opening a Christmas present once the rosters get posted on our league site. I just hope I get a good surprise like a new TV and not a bad one like an ugly sweater.

But having four kickers was pretty funny. I kept insisting I picked them for "trade bait". (For you people not in the know, sometimes players load up on a position in the draft to force other players to make trades with you because you hogged all the good players.) Of course, with 32 kickers in the league, the "trade bait" excuse was just for laughs.

Not to brag or anything, but I still fully expect to finish in the top third of the league this year-- even if I did tank my draft.

Okay, enough about football and bragging about my Fantasy skillz. On to other things:

Check out the episode of Lawrence of America on Friday morning (Travel Channel, 8 am CST). I mentioned that I liked the show in a post a few weeks ago, and this episode about Nashville was the best of the bunch. Lawrence is very tongue-in-cheek on this show, so please understand he knows he's being ridiculous. It's not the best episode to see for the the first time, but it's too good to pass up.

I read somewhere that Amy Ryan will be in five episodes of The Office this season, which kicks ass. Her character in last season's finale was great, and I'm glad they got to keep her around a while longer.

I watched the first season of Battlestar Galactica. Damn. Good stuff.

Watched the first two seasons of The Wire. It's a different kind of show; it unfolds very slowly over 12-13 episodes, but it's extremely well-done-- and I heard it just gets better season by season.

Meghan from I Survived a Japanese Game Show took the #1 ranking of hottest woman on TV. Seriously, I had no other reason to waste a hour a week on the show other than to see her.

The Mole was pretty weak, which broke my heart as I loved the first few seasons.

Props to the people in the Big Brother house for not splitting over who is more Christian (and, thus, the "morally superior" alliance) and who's not. It's still a show I consider a guilty pleasure, but this season has been better than the last few.

I'm sorry to say Weeds just hasn't been great this year. I like Andy's storyline that has made him a coyote for Mexican illegals (becoming their version of Moses), but even the addition of Julie Bowen hasn't helped a weak status quo.

The Office and the Prison Break spin-offs have been shelved. Cool.

Speaking of Prison Break, I really hope this is the last season. I would hate to lose the great actors on the show (the show is pretty ridiculous, but you have to admit the actors are pretty damn good), but I would hate to see this show that had a fantastic first season continue to plummet in drama and suspense.

And if you haven't heard, Sara's back; rectifying one of last year's worst storyline decisions.

If you haven't seen Dark Knight yet, do so. It is amazing. All the hype is true. Ledger, Caine, Bale, Freeman, Oldman, Eckhart-- how can you not have a great movie? Add Nolan's direction, and it's a sure-thing. You owe it to yourself to see it. I had two quibbles with it, but it certainly didn't detract from my enjoyment of it.

For the first time in 25 years, I am pretty much completely out of the comic book scene. I had to stop buying them last summer, but I, at least, kept up with the news in the industry. But this summer, I slipped further and further away. It kinda bums me out, but it's also a relief to have the monkey off my back (the problem with being a comic book reader is it never stops-- every week is another comic or ten; every store has something you don't own). But I feel a loneliness without them. Maybe I'll get back into them when my kids grow up and move out...

And I guess the e-mail address I have to this blog had a problem, so anything I sent didn't actually send. I fixed the issue (I hope), so if you sent me something and wanted a response and never got one-- I'm sorry.

Okay, gotta go and load up on TV. I'm gonna be gone all weekend, and I need to get the Laurel and Hardy marathon (Saturday, 5 am on TCM) on the DVR. I usually am at 90% capacity on the DVR, so I have some TV to get through and delete.

Thank God for OnDemand. I can still catch the Penn & Teller's I haven't seen...

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