It's a couple weeks late, but this is tough to write up. It doesn't help that I get all sorts of issues getting what I start as a Word doc into the blogger format, so bear with any formatting issues.
Also, by waiting, I'm able to post these during my ten day vacation. That's what I like to do for my single-digit readership: have at least one new post a day.
First, I'll list what shows I watched in the grey-area of the 2008-2009 TV season (running from June 2008-May 2009, with a slight overlap). Sure, I'm early, but the Fall is the worst time of the year for me to do big blog posts, so I'm fudging and going from summer to summer instead of fall to fall.
Why list all the shows? Two reasons:
1. To give people an idea of what I watch. Also to explain while not actually explaining how I can omit certain shows. I always hate reading a critic's list (not that I consider myself a critic) and not knowing if they watched a certain show/movie as maybe being the reason why it didn't make the list. I never mentioned The Wire before this year. The reason why is I hadn't watched it until this year.
2. To brag. I try to give advice and feedback for certain things. I consider television my strongest subject. Listing everything I watched gives a little credence to what I write because it should tell you, "he watches an unhealthy amount of TV, so if he recommends The Big Bang Theory, then it's got to be a show worth watching."
After my Master List, I'll give some silly shout-outs to certain shows & people.
Then I'll make little essays/fan gushing posts for my Top Ten shows of the year. So sit back and read about the brilliant shows I watched this past year.
Next post: the Master List...
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