Sunday, September 27, 2009

Premieres and Notables, September 28- October 4, 2009

Well, it was a pretty good week last week: How I Met Your Mother had some good stuff, Modern Family showed tons of promise, Cougartown was much better than I expected, Gary Unmarried conitunes to get better, Glee got more serious-- and pulled it off wonderfully, Curb Your Enthusiasm was just as wacky as it ever was. 

And the bad: Two and a Half Men: pure shit. Accidentally on Purpose: better be funny this week, or it's off the DVR schedule.

And the first casualty of the new season? Kind of a surprise-- or maybe not as I saw NO press at all on it; I didn't even know enough about it to mention it on my blog.  The CW axed The Beautiful Life: TBL after just two eps.

Let's see if this week can continue with good and cancel the bad:

Monday, 9/28

BrainSurge; Nickelodeon.  3:30 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Kids compete in a memory game.

Ted (on How I Met Your Mother; CBS, 7:00 pm CST) gets set up on a blind date-- with a woman he had a blind date with seven years earlier.  --And he doesn't remember her...

Lie to Me FOX. 8 pm CST. 2nd Season Premiere.

Trauma; NBC. 8 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Did you like the big, explosive scenes on ER? Well, it looks like this show is full of them.  San Fran paramedics help people all over the Bay Area.  I actually got tired from just watching the couple-minute promo for the pilot.  Too much.

Wednesday, 9/30

Hank; ABC. 7 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Kelsey Grammar stars as a wealthy New Yorker who gets downsized, so he has to move his family to Virginia.  The promo didn't look that funny, but I'll check it out for a few weeks to be sure.

The Middle; ABC. 7:30 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Patricia Heaton and Neil (Scrub's "Janitor") Flynn star as parents in a modern household.  The promo for this one did look funny.  It's a little bit wacky (in a good way), so that should keep it from being boring.

Thursday, 10/1

Private Practice; ABC. 9:01 pm CST. 3rd Season Premiere.

Friday, 10/2

Star Wars: The Clone Wars; 7 pm CST. 2nd Season Premiere.
Last season was uneven at times, but they've decided to bring back new bounty hunter Cad Bane as a recurring thorn in the Jedi's sides (and Bane brings friends as well-- many of whom we've already seen in the films).  Also, Anakin heads down the Dark Side path more and more this season.  May be worth trying again if you left through last season.

'Til Death; FOX. 7:30 pm CST. Season Premiere.
It has never been especially funny, but the addition of J.B. Smoove really brought some (and sometimes even alot of) humor to it.  Unfortunately, Smoove wasn't brought back for the new season (BOOOOO!!!!) after yet another series retooling.   But there are some eps left over from last season (when the piece of crap it got scheduled with bombed, and this show disappeared for ten months), so maybe they've got some Smoove in the can.

Stargate Universe; Syfy. 8 pm. Series Premiere.
The concept that couldn't die now has a group of people (including ones who look a lot like Robert Carlyle, Lou Diamond Phillips, and Ming-Na) jumping blindly through a Stargate that lands them on a gigantic starship billions of lightyears from home. 
I've tried the Stargate shows every couple of years, and they've never grabbed me-- but this one just may do it. It's got a decent cast and and interesting concept.

Saturday, 10/3

SuperFetch; Animal Planet. 7 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Dog trailer Zak George teaches dogs to make a bed, ride a bike, and get a beer, among other things in this series.

Celebrity Ghost Stories; Bio. 9 pm. Season Premiere.

Sunday, 10/4

America's Funniest Home Videos; ABC.  6 pm CST. 1,000,000th Season Premiere.
Because nut-shots are always funny...

Dallas Divas and Daughters; Style. 7 pm. 6th Season Premiere.
How does a show get to season six, and I have never heard of it?

My Monkey Baby; TLC. 8 pm. Series Premiere.
A baby monkey and her adventure with her human "parents" who hook her up with stylish clothes and toys.
On a related note to the Dallas Divas from above: How does a show like this get made, and why do I have to hear about it?

The Next Iron Chef; Food Network. 8 pm CST. Season Premiere.

Three Rivers; CBS.  8 pm CST. Series Premiere.
(Female) Fangasmic actor Alex O'Loughlin stars in the medical transplant drama.
(Why "fangasmic"? I'll bet if you Google his last show-- Moonlight-- you'll read much, much more about how hot and sexy he is than you will about the actual show.)

The Seinfeld "reunion" begins on tonight's Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO; 9 pm). This season-long storyline promises to bring back the original cast as they film their reunion special (which is just for this show's storyline; it;'s not real).

Entourage (HBO; 9:30 pm CST.) Season Finale.

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