Tuesday, 5/4
No premieres, so head down to Best Buy and pick up Chickenfoot's "Get Your Buzz On" live concert DVD or BluRay and give that one a spin.
Wednesday, 5/5
Something that will be kind of a big deal for my area is that Green Bay Packer Greg Jennings makes an appearance on Criminal Minds (CBS; 8 pm CST) as a crime scene tech.
Modern Family (ABC 8 pm CST) has what sounds like a fun one tonight: the family is on their way to a Hawaiian vacation, but they have to get through the airport in this ep.
How'd You Get So Rich? TV Land. 9 pm CST. Season Premiere.
Thursday, 5/6
The fantastic Community (NBC; 7 pm CST), has a special paintball episode, where I'm sure we can expect numerous homages to action films of the past.
Friday, 5/7
Friday Night Lights; NBC. 7 pm CST. 4th Season (network) Premiere.
For those of us who don't have DirectTV: we can now watch the newest season...
Saturday, 5/8
Now I've seen many, many "sure thing" hosts try to class up the stinker that is Saturday Night Live (NBC; 10:35 pm) the past few seasons, and they've all failed (or, rather, the show failed them), but comedy legend/gold Betty White hosts tonight.
I beg of them: try... Try so very hard to give her something to work with. It shouldn't be hard; you know, with that whole "legend" thing I mentioned earlier and all...
Sunday, 5/9
Amazing Race (CBS; 7 pm CST). Season Finale.
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