Saturday, June 19, 2010

TV 2009/2010: Community


This season brought us a good number of great new comedies, but the one I enjoyed the most was NBC’s Community. Not since the early seasons of the U.S. The Office have I looked forward to the random hilarity of a network comedy as much as I did for this show.

At first, I came for Joel McHale, who was able to maintain that snarky attitude that has served him so well over the years on The Soup on this show as a lawyer who got knocked down a few pegs. But the show quickly became an ensemble piece that is eclectic enough to allow this very limited concept (following a Spanish study group and their adventures within the community college campus) to go in many directions. I honestly had no idea what was going to happen next, and that’s pretty impressive for a network comedy.

Most comedies take the majority of their first seasons to click, but I think Community hit its stride as early as November as the Halloween episode was the one that stood out for me; the one that made me love this show. Bookended with the equally excellent paintball episode from May, and you have a really great season. I can see this show being the Thursday anchor that NBC needs when The Office and 30 Rock end (which I believe will be sooner rather than later).

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