Sunday, July 08, 2012

Real Time New Rule TV Truth

From Bill Maher's (Episode 252) show:

"New Rule: TV can't make half its shows about patheitc hoarders who never throw anything away, and the other half about lucky hoarders who find out their shit is worth a fortune.  It doesn't make sense. It'b be like People magazine making half its stories about anorexia, and the other half about how to lose weight."

I never really "knew" why; but now that it's been verbalized so well, I know why I don't bother with those networks and those shows.

Now I wish I would have mentioned his thoughts about those millionaire/secret boss shows which are so insulting to the rest of us.  You know: the shows that show ultra-rich people hanging-out with the "common man" and then throw money at them to show what great people they are-- before they go back to their private planes and laying-off those moochers that suck their companies dry under the guise of employment...

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