Sunday, December 23, 2012

Television Premiere and Notable: December 24-30, 2012

Tuesday, 12/25

The annual Doctor Who Christmas Special (this year's is called "The Snowmen") airs on BBC America at 8 pm CST. 
The Doctor goes into a depression after losing his latest companions and decides to hide out in 1890's England for a while.  Some old friends decide they need to pull him out of the funk. 
--And he may just find someone new to travel with him.

Before that, check out the NuWho Christmas Specials, beginning with David Tennant's intro as the Doctor on "The Christmas Invasion", where the newly-regenerated Doctor must find out what his new body and personality are capable of-- just as the world is being invaded by aliens.  That one's at 9 am CST.

Following that are the subsequent Christmas specials every hour until last year's special from 2 pm- 3 pm.  After that is the first half of the latest, seventh, season that aired this Fall that takes us right up to 8 pm's The Snowmen special.

The Doctor Who Christmas Specials are always great one-and-done episodes that have a little "more" to them. Worth checking out.

And that's pretty much it.

Of course: what else do you need when you've got New Who?

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