Saturday, March 09, 2013

Monday, 3/11

BBC America looks to be reairing the modern Doctor Who series, two episodes a day (at 9 and at 10 am CST), starting today with Christopher Eccleston's (the Ninth Doctor) debut episode; the same episode that debuted Billie Piper's Rose Tyler.  It took a couple episodes to get going, and they don't all make it out of the park, but there are more good episodes than not-- and more than an average amount of great episodes (such as the eighth ep, "Father's Day" which airs Thursday at 10-- and was the episode that cemented the series as a personal favorite).

The Bachelor (ABC; 7 pm CST). Season Finale.

Tuesday, 3/12

Hell's Kitchen; Fox. 7 pm CST. Season Premiere.

The Taste (ABC; 8 pm CST). Season Finale.

Wednesday, 3/13

Jim Rome on Showtime; Showtime. 8 pm CST. Season Premiere.

Thursday, 3/14

Braxton Family Values; WEtv. 8 pm CST. Season Premiere.

Friday, 3/15

The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex; Disney Channel. 7 pm CST. Special.
The kids from The Wizards of Waverly Place travel to Italy to battle an evil version of Alex.
Hardcore fans weren't happy with how the series ended last year, so producers found a way to bring most of the cast back-- but have also promised a sad ending for one character after the criticism that no one really learned anything and that the life of a wizard isn't all silly tricks but is often dangerous because of dealing with Satanic rituals.

Yes, what I wrote above is all bullshit...

Banshee (Cinemax; 9 pm CST). Season Finale.

Saturday, 3/16

The Graham Norton Show (BBC America; 9 pm CST). Season Finale.

Sunday, 3/17

Girls (HBO; 8 pm CST). Season Finale.

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