Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Television Premieres and Notables: July 1-7, 2013

Monday, 7/1

Goodwin Games (Fox; 7:30 pm CST). Series Finale.
Not a great show, but the cast was a lot of fun. I hope they can get together again on something a little less uneven.

Bizarre Foods America; Travel Channel. 8 pm CST. Season Premiere.

Tuesday, 7/2

Inside Amy Schumer (Comedy Central; 9:30 pm CST). Season Finale.

Sunday, 7/7

Marvel's Avengers Assemble; Disney XD. 10 pm CST. Series Premiere.
It's a crime that the last Avengers show was cancelled so Disney could make their own version on their own channel, but I'll give it a try nonetheless.

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