Wednesday, July 02, 2014

AMC's Walking Dead Marathon this weekend

Just a heads up if you've missed out on the Walking Dead phenomena so far: AMC is doing that coolest of things I wish more basic cable channels did: they're reairing the previous episodes in one big binge-worthy-goodness batch.

Starting Friday, 7/4, at 8 am CST, the marathon starts with the brilliant pilot episode (even if you don't have the DVR space for the whole marathon, you owe it to yourself to watch that film-quality pilot) and doesn't stop until Sunday night's Season Four finale.

I'll tell you straight-up: it's not the best show I watch, but it is my go-to show. It's my favorite four years running, and it never fails to surprise me.  It's the only show where I cannot-- and will not-- go to bed until I watch the episode the night it airs. My sainted wife has even been allowing me to go to another room (it's "too much" for her) during the first airing, so I don't have to stay up until 1 am to watch the second or third airing anymore.

So jump on this train that just gets bigger (and in many ways-- better) every season before it gets so big they don't do these marathons anymore.

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