Sunday, October 11, 2015

Television Premieres and Notables: October 12-18, 2015

Monday, 10/12

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend; The CW. 7 pm CST. Series Premiere.
This was the pilot that most of the critics I read fell in love with. (And they were right about Jane the Virgin being the top pilot last year).
Anyway, this series follows a woman who uproots her life in order to reconnect with her ex.

Jane the Virgin; The CW. 8 pm CST. 2nd Season Premiere.
Yeah, this show is crazy-- but so much fun.
And Gina Rodriguez is so damn charming-- and Jamie Camil's Rogelio is delightfully clueless/narcissistic.
If you have an opening on Monday nights, you could do much worse than trying out this show.

Fargo; FX. 9 pm CST. 2nd Season Premiere.
New timeframe, new cast, (mostly) new characters, new crime.
But all of it is meaningless compared to the fact that Bruce Campbell has been cast as Ronald "The Gipper" Reagan.

Tuesday, 10/13

Manhattan; WGN America. 8 pm CST. 2nd Season Premiere.

Thursday, 10/15

Nathan For You; Comedy Central. 9 pm CST. 3rd Season Premiere.
This show can be very hilarious at times. It's hard to tell how real it all is, but even if it's more scripted than looks, it's still funny.

Friday, 10/16

Truth Be Told; NBC. 7:30 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Don't know much about it. Have read that it sucks...

The Knick; Starz. 9 pm CST. 2nd Season Premiere.

Please Like Me; Pivot. 9 pm CST. 3rd Season Premiere.
I have heard great things about this show.

Saturday, 10/17

Tracy Morgan returns to the public eye (aside from his short Emmy appearance) by guest-hosting Saturday Night Live (10:30 pm CST).

Sunday, 10/18

Comic Book Men; AMC. 11 pm CST. Season Premiere.

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