Saturday, December 23, 2017

Television Premieres and Notables: December 25-31, 2017

Monday, 12/25

Doctor Who Christmas Special; BBC America. 8 pm CST. Special.
After a four year stint, Peter Capaldi's Doctor gets his send-off in this special.
The twelfth Doctor has been holding-off his regeneration for some time, but as the clock is about to run out, he crosses paths with his first incarnation, and the two Doctors join forces to stop the latest threat to time in a story titled "Twice Upon a Time".
The last few Doctor deaths have been emotional, and it'll be interesting if this one will be as well, considering Capaldi's Doctor didn't get the buzz that Smith and Tennant's did (not going to blame the actor, though).
This special also features long-time showrunner Steven Moffat's last crack at the character as he leaves and Chris Chibnall takes over with the new Doctor, Jodie Whittaker's, debut later next year.

Friday, 12/29

Black Mirror; Netflix. Streaming. 4th Season Premiere.

Bill Nye Saves the World; Netflix. Streaming. 2nd Season Premiere.

Sunday, 12/31

Dave Chappelle: Equanimit; Netflix. Streaming. Special.

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