Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Holy Crap! Fans help show!

Okay, I'm not so naive to think maybe it wasn't pre-planned, but I'll take the "win".

Michael Ausiello confirmed a rumor he posted yesterday": Jericho got a half-renewal.

Nina Tassler, head of CBS, wrote a letter about the show and posted it to Sh, basically, said CBS will bring the show back mid-season for seven episodes. If ratings are good, it could get picked up for more. After that, she said CBS would do what it could to promote the show (including reairing the show over the summer and making a big Internet presence), but she urged fans to get the word out because even though the fans of the show are very loyal, there aren't enough to sustain the show long-term. She said the show needs more fans.

Pretty cool. Fans have saved shows before (in EXTREMELY rare instances), but it's always good when a show that is supposed to be decent (oh you know I'll be catching up this summer now) gets a break.

Here's Ausiello's post with the news (and Tassler's letter):

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