My friend Brian restarted his blog at, and I recommend trying it out. He took my Best Of challenge and tripled it with his Best Of mix CD recommendations for Sammy Hagar, The BoDeans, and U2. Check out the links for his lists. I'll probably post them here sooner or later to keep the Challenge going, but who knows when (if) I'll get that far.
He's my go-to guy for music. If I have questions on somebody in the music biz, I go to him first. He knows his stuff.
And he keeps me informed about the Sammy Hagar and Van Halen goings on, which is kinda funny since I had to work him pretty hard to be a fan (he was one of those "It ain't Van Halen without Roth" types before I got a hold of him).
And since he upped the ante with the Best Of Challenge, I guess I better get my rear in gear and make some more. Of course, my music experience is horribly limited compared to his.
[Before I go too far, I should pass along Brian's suggestion to actually make a Best Of CD if something really trips your trigger using iTunes. I forgot there's an actual way to make your own CD of songs you don't own-- and give the artists their due.]
I love the look of his blog, and he's much more apt to include pics than I am, so I see a few ideas I'll probably eventually steal. Check it out.
And if you're a fan of NASCAR, this is a must-read site.
Remember, it's not too late to make your own Best Of for inclusion. I started with music, but I'll open it up to other areas. What's your favorite TV shows of the last season? All time? Movies? Show up Entertainment Weekly and make your own Sci-Fi list. How about web sites? Everyone is an expert at something. Share your knowledge.
Post your list by commenting on this (or any) post, or e-mail me at
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