Tuesday, February 19, 2008

DVD Best Of 2007 Preview

The most difficult thing about writing this blog is the lack of time I have to make meaningful, thought-provoking posts. I'm a bit of a perfectionist when I really have something to say, and by the time I get it all together, the time to say it has passed.

This is one of those cases.

I've been writing down the movies/DVDs I've watched and the books I've read since December 2006 with the intention of going back and reviewing some. Sadly (for me) I'll never have the time for that.

So I'll do what I can manage (even though it's been, like, six weeks of playing with the list on and off) and make a mini-review of them-- and then rate the top ones.

I think it's important to note which DVDs I watched before I give a Best Of list. I watched a stupid amount of DVDs (averaging 2 a week), but even I can't watch every single one that comes out.

I think I got that idea in my head from reading TV critics give their best of the year lists. There's no way a critic saw every single show. I know from personal experience that I don't watch shows I know I'll love due to time or media constraints.

So I'm listing every DVD, film (in theatres), or TV airing (premium, uncut cable versions) I saw from December 1, 2006 to December 31, 2007. And I (probably unfairly) am including TV shows I watched for the first time on DVD. My blog, my rules...

As a way to rank them, I gave them grades. The A grades are must-sees, B grades are above average and recommended, C's could go either way, D's are ones to avoid (but may have one or two redeeming qualities), and F's are ones I saw nothing worthwhile whatsoever in.

Please note: this is my list and my rankings. What mood I was in could play a slight part in my grade, as could how I saw it (ones I saw in the theatres tended to rank a bit higher). Finally, these grades were made by me in Jan of 2008, so there could be a gap of 13 months from when I saw a movie to when I graded it. It didn't change things too much, but there was more than movie I had to go to imdb.com to jog my memory about. Usually those unmemorable ones got a lower grade (I mean, I couldn't remember it, for cryin' out loud!).

And finally, sorry for any spelling mistakes. I combed the list over and over and spellchecked it in Word (Blogger's spellcheck seems to have stopped working for me, though). I'd edit it even more, but then I'd never get this posted.

Finally, all the movies listed I watched on DVD unless noted ("TV" means I watched it via HBO/Showtime/Cinemax, uncut, so like DVD but no extras).

Okay, here's the first batch coming up.

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