Sunday, February 17, 2008

Premieres and Notables; Feb 18-24, 2008

Monday, 2/18

Pass Time; Speed. 6:30 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Speed's first ever game show. Contestants guess the times of cars racing a quarter mile. Must see TV, I'm sure...

My Dad is Better Than Your Dad; NBC. 8 pm CST. Series Premiere.
Father and son/daughters team up to prove which dad is stronger, smarter, and a better parent.

Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious; CW. 8 pm. Series Premiere.
The Pussycats hold a competition to find three women to make up the new Girlicious group.

History of the Joke; History. 8 pm. Special
Lewis Black searches for the best joke in this documentary and goes to many of the best joketellers to find it. I've heard nothing about this show, but I think I could give it a recommended with confidence.

Inside the Vietnam War; National Geographic. 7 pm. Special.
A three-hour look at the conflict, including interviews with over fifty vets.

Prison Break (FOX; 7 pm) airs what is probably its season-- and possibly series-- finale tonight. Michael faces off against Susan B, a major player dies, another gets a life-threatening injury-- and T-Bag reminds us that he is one of the most vile characters on television. I think the show has about run its course, but I also think it deserves a proper send-off that an hour probably can't manage with all the plotlines that need to be tied up.

Wednesday, 2/20

America's Next Top Model; CW. 7 pm. 10th season premiere.

Drag Race High; Speed. 9 pm. Series Premiere.
A Tennessee high school shop class builds drag racers and competes against a rival school.

Friday, 2/22

Amne$ia; NBC. 8 pm. Series Premiere.
Dennis Miller hosts this This is Your Life/Jeopardy fusion where people have to answer questions about their own lives...

Saturday, 2/23

Lots of Academy Award movies airing today on various networks, but Encore takes the top prize as it airs EIGHT Best Picture winners, starting with Marty at 5:30 am, then going to In the Heat of the Night, Annie Hall, The Sting, The Deer Hunter, Dances With Wolves, Rain Man, and Platoon.

Independent Spirit Awards; IFC. 4 pm CST. Special
Rainn Wilson hosts this Indie awards show.

Sunday, 2/24

The 80th Annual Academy Awards; ABC. 7:30 pm CST. Special.
Jon Stewart hosts this awards show, which should be about normal now that writers can work on the show.

And, of course, with the Oscars at night, there will be dozens of hours of coverage on many networks all day long.

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