If your name is Joss Whedon, you made a pet project with some friends, will let everyone in the universe see it for free for a few days, then will make it available for download, and finally put it on DVD with scads of extras.
The project is called Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. Part 1 premieres on July 15, Part 2 on July 17, and the third and final part on July 19. It'll be free until midnight on July 20.
So why should you care? Joss Whedon. The guy is a fanboy wet dream. And you know if he put the time into this project without any guarantee of compensation, he must believe in it.
If that's not good enough, how about Nathan Filion as Captain Hammer, Felicia Day as Penny, and NPH himself as Dr. Horrible? Yep, the former Doogie Howser and current Barney Stinson plays the titular character.
It's a comedy; it's a musical; it's probably going to be pretty good.
Here's the link to the site: http://www.drhorrible.com/
Here's a link to TV Guide's Matt Roush's chat with Whedon: http://community.tvguide.com/blog-entry/TVGuide-Editors-Blog/Roush-Dispatch/Joss-Whedon-Dr/800042425
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