Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Teameck TV 2007-2008 Awards

Taking a page fro the Comic Shop News and its "Red Kryptonite Awards", I'm going to do some goofy "awards" of my own from the past TV season (June 2007-May 2008).

Here we go:

Best Comedy: How I Met Your Mother

Best New Comedy: Aliens in America

Most Anticipated New Season: Frisky Dingo

Most Improved Comedy: It’s Sunny in Philadelphia

Most Improved Dramedy: Desperate Housewives

Most “Wrong” Show: Moral Orel

Comedy MVP: J.B. Smoove; Curb Your Enthusiasm, ‘Til Death, and Everybody Hates Chris

Dramedy MVP: Chi McBride, Pushing Daisies

Multi-genre MVP: Blair Underwood; New Adventures of Old Christine and Dirty Sexy Money (and In Treatment-- which I didn't watch).

Recurring guest star MVPs: Michael Ian Black and Tony Moreno; Reaper

Biggest Crime: Inside the NFL gets cancelled.

I can now cripple someone because I watched this show: Human Weapon

Show that can make me laugh, cry, uplifted, and outraged all in 60 minutes: Real Sports

Biggest Surprise (show I hadn’t planned on watching, but ended up loving): Phineas and Ferb

Biggest Surprise (show that made me laugh much more than I expected): New Adventures of Old Christine

I appreciate the attempts, but they just didn’t work out: All the “outside the box” storyarcs on My Name is Earl

Show I should have loved but didn’t “get”: Spaced

Show I love that needs to end soon before it gets so ridiculous even I won’t watch it: Prison Break

Show that should have been saved: Aliens in America

Hottest mom: Mary-Louse Parker on Weeds

Show I would have liked to see go on, even though it ended well enough: Journeyman

Show that best found its voice from pilot to season finale: Big Bang Theory

Character I wish I could see more of, but know too much of something isn’t always a good thing: Marmaduke from Carpoolers

Show that makes me laugh, even though I should feel dirty that I do: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Show that is lucky to be on adult swim because Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would crucify it were it anywhere else: Boondocks

Show that tells me what’s really going on in the world: Real Time with Bill Maher

Show that was pretty funny last season and pretty not this season: Head Cases

Show whose pilot was just too good to live up to: Reaper

Show whose pilot was just too good to live up to— and somehow did: Pushing Daisies

Worst behind the scenes problem that ended up affecting a show: Sarah Wayne Calles and Prison Break producers cannot agree on a work schedule or a story arc.

Channel I wish I had more time to watch: History

Most misleading title: John Safran vs. God (he’s not challenging God; he’s exploring religion)

Best Save: ABC, for letting Scrubs finish out its run on its own terms.

2nd Best Save: Reaper getting some show mythology.

Where did all the great shows go? BBC America, which was my favorite of all channels two years ago, but doesn’t have any more than one series at a time that I watch now.

The season finale that most brought its show back to where it needed to be: My Name is Earl

Season finale with the most promise for next year: Desperate Housewives

Season finale that has me the most afraid things will change too much: Weeds

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