Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chelsea and Chuy Make a Video

I'm a fairly new fan of Chelsea Handler's Chelsea Lately (weeknights on E!; 10:30 pm CST), but she sold me with this video.

First, the background: Chelsea is a TV host and author (and I will guess a comedian as well), and Chuy (who she lovingly calls her "Little Nugget") is her assistant and sidekick.

They made a video about California's Proposition 8 that is both funny and informative:

And now that you've seen it, let me rant: Proposition 8 sucks ass. Blame the f-bombing Republican assholes who have used the anger Americans have for losing their money and jobs the past 10 years and turning it so they have anger against abortions and gays.

Everyone deserves the opportunity to marry the one they love (within reason: they should be consenting people at least 18 years of age and not blood relations, as well as human-- for obvious reasons), so just get over it and let people marry who they want. I'm married, and the fact that "Sulu" and his long-time boyfriend got married does not diminish my marriage an iota.

I always thought people who vote Republican over one issue (most notably abortion) were short-sighted (as if there aren't other important things going on in the country that should be included in the decision of who to vote for), but I have jumped on the one-issue bandwagon.

I will NEVER vote for a Republican as long as they maintain their hatred and prejudice against gays and lesbians. That's not to say I'll automatically vote Democrat (although it's more likely), but the Republicans will NEVER get my vote. No chance in Hell. You can put a Republican against The Anti-Christ in a Presidential election, and I will not vote for the Republican.

No, I'll vote for Superman.

It's legal. I can write him in.

And before you think I'm protecting someone close to me, I'm not. I don't have any contact with anyone I know is gay. I've met three people who were gay (and only one was "out" at the time) in my life. I'm saying this because it's the right thing to do: let people be in love with who they're in love with.

Californians, do the right thing, vote "no" on Prop 8, and tell the supporters of it to sit down, shut up, and stop being haters. It's time to stop discriminating, and come together as a country instead of splitting over the stupid shit that the Reps and Dems want us to fight about instead of waking up and seeing what the Two-Party system and their lobbyist masters have done to screw the country up.

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