Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fave: Bodies: Season 1, Ep 1, Pt 1

This was one of the first shows I bumped into when I got BBC America, and I was amazed by how dark it was.  Doctors who didn't even care to remember patient names, fucked up records, covered their asses at all costs... Very, very dark. 

I've included the the first part of the first episode because, like many 6-part BBC series, this one really works well as a whole piece (all six episodes).  The ending of the season was a great way to complete the arc begun in the first episode one remains one of the most heroic moments I've seen in TV.

But before I get to it, I'd like to publicly ask: what the Hell happened to BBC America?  When I first got it five or so years ago, it had Bodies, The Office, Green Wing, Rocketman, and Coupling, among others that I just loved (because they were nothing like the more stale American shows I had been watching).  Now it's nearly all reality shit, and I barely watch it.  It's a shame.

Diversion #2: why is BBC America holding out on us?  We never got to see anything other than the first seasons of Bodies and Green Wing, and you can't buy Region 1 DVDs of them (they're limited to the England/European markets for the most part).  Sad...

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