Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fave: Wonder Showzen: Clips

As I tried to write up the 24th show, I realized I had run out of room for a few I wanted to include.  So I decided to jam five ("on the edge") into the mid-way point.  Here's the first:

I had a very brief love affair with Wonder Showzen.  I thought there was some really good (albeit sick) humor.  But it was one of the very few shows that routinely crossed a line with me.  I was okay with it, but I don't get offended easily, so it was very unsettling to me to get offended once in a while.

It's tough to call this a fave, but there was some very funny (if you're not easily offended) stuff going on.  As I watched more and more, I felt they were too blatantly trying to cross boundaries of taste (they long ago passed the "good taste line"). 

But, hey; that's how it goes.  Thank God (or Allah, Mother Gaia, Dumbledore of whoever you wish) we're in America where any type of "free speech" has the chance to get on the air.

Here's a montage of clips at this link because I couldn't embed the video.  If you are even moderately "offendable", why don't you skip this and wait an hour for the next show.

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